The deadline has been extended through October 26th to enter The Dillon Herald’s baby contest. Only two more babies are needed to get the contest underway. Babies who are under two years are eligible to participate. To enter, entries may be mailed or dropped off at our office with the $10 entry fee and must be received no later than 12 noon on October 26th. Please send your favorite photo of your child along with the form in The Dillon Herald. Be sure to include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you wish to have your photo returned. Each division will have a first, second, and third place winner. Prizes are $50 for first place, $30 for second place, and $20 for third place. The child’s legal guardian must sign the entry form for the entry to be valid. Voting will be held from October 28th thru November 18th. Votes are $1 each. You can vote as many times as you want. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Dillon County Animal Shelter. If you have any questions, please contact us at 774-3311. Please note, we will not be responsible for any lost or misdirected mail or lost photos. We reserve the right to cancel this contest at any time.
Deadline Extended To October 26th To Enter Herald’s Baby Contest
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