Anne Lupo and Monroe McIntyreThe Antique-Craft-Collectibles Show sponsored by the Dillon County Historical Society and the Dillon County Chamber of Commerce was held on August 7 and 8, 2010 at the Lake View Community Center in Lake View, SC. This was one of the many celebrations of the Dillon County Centennial.

Carley Wiggins, President of the Dillon County Historical Society, Johnnie Luehrs, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Betty Lou Barclay, Show Chairperson, opened the show by welcoming all vendors and helpers who participated. Without their cooperation, the show could not have been possible. A prayer was offered by Carley Wiggins.
Vendors from throughout the area had a variety of crafts, collectibles and antiques for viewing and for sale.
Many centennial items were displayed for sale.
Betty Bethea Daly exhibited a quilt that was also on display. It was donated to the Dillon County Historical Society by David Sherwood, son of the late Rev. Wattie Bethea and Eunice Allen Sherwood, who were missionaries to Brazil from 1934 until 1943. The quilt was made by the Ladies Missionary Society of the church in recognition of those families who were members of the church and/or related in some way to them in 1935. It is on display at the J.W. Dillon House Museum in Dillon.
Also, on display was a handmade quilt made in 1896 by ladies in Little Rock for a fund raising activity with people paying to have their family name on the quilt.
Monroe McIntyre had a private collection of antique farm tools on display. Julia McIntyre had a collection of antique sheet music and information on display.
A display by Don Barclay with pictures and histories of all Rosenwald Schools that have been a part of Dillon County history were displayed.
Pinao selections by Tiffany Price were enjoyed by the shoppers and vendors.
The Chamber of Commerce and the Dillon County Historical Society would like to thank the people who helped make this show possible.

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