The WMU/Men’s Ministries Fall Mission Fair was held on Monday, August 16, 7:00 p.m., at the East Dillon Baptist Church Fellowship Hall on South 16th Avenue, Dillon.
The church members of the Pee Dee Baptist Association and visitors had the opportunity to come together to celebrate God’s mission to the people of Dillon County and the world. It was an opportunity for people to learn, ask questions, and find ways to get involved in bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. Rows of booths were set-up focusing on different cultures, videos, and lots of information displayed including items from the everyday life of the people the mission was intended to reach. Over 30 booths were available with information showing that missions is for all seasons.
Upon entering Susan H. Norton and Linda Turner registered each person by name and church represented.
The large number present were welcomed and led in prayer by Rev. James Smith, Pastor, East Dillon Baptist Church.
Betty Collins, WMU Director, made the announcements.
Becky Elvington, Mission Friends Consultant, had the prayer calendar for missionaries. Missionaries serving in different countries were recognized. Additionally, six retired missionaries were recognized.
Before adjourning to tour the missions exhibits, Rev. Ron Taylor, Pee Dee Baptist Association, had the closing prayer.
After touring the exhibits, everyone enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by East Dillon Baptist Church.