By Betsy Finklea
The ten-member Oriental Band of the Little Pee Dee Shrine Club recently presented a $5,000 check to the Shriners Crippled Children’s Hospital in Greenville.
The Shriners have been working for quite some time to raise funds at parades, dances, etc., but they want the public to know that they do more than march and entertain at parades. “We play hard, but we work hard,” said Director Mike Thomas.
Thomas said he and the Oriental Band would like to thank those who made this donation possible. “We don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk for crippled children,” said Thomas. The next time you see a Shriner think of a child who needs your financial contributions.

ORIENTAL BAND Members Present The Check—Pictured L-R: Blake Allen, Dean Johnson, Bryan Berry-Treasurer, Divan Jimmy Day – Omar Treasurer, Mike Thomas-Director, Cliff Canty-Potentate, Charles Taylor, Eddie Hayes, Neal Byrd, Howard Beckwich-Former Potentate, Steve Long, J.G. Bryant, Tommy Berry-Secretary.. (Contributed Photo)

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