East Elementary celebrated American Education Week and this year’s theme was Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility.
This was the 90th national celebration of the week. A different theme was held each day: Monday – An Essay Contest was held for Grade 3 “What I Love About My School”. Tuesday – A “Family Bulletin Board” displayed pictures of faculty/staff with their families. Parent Night was also held on Tuesday which included parent conferences, PASS Parent Night, a first grade music program, technology training and attendance training. Wednesday was “Career Day” – students dressed as what they want to be when they grow up. Thursday – Thank You Notes were written from students to school support staff, local and county board members.
Friday was “Wear School Colors Day” (Black and Gold). We all had a great time celebrating the great education provided in our public schools.
Aaliyah Turbeville wrote: I like many things about my school. Mrs. Gough, the teacher, helps me learn. Mrs. Gough teaches me how to spell, do math, science, English, reading, and much more. She is nice. She gives us treats when we do things right. She let us get free time and reads to us or we read by ourselves.
Mrs. Gough watch me so I can do good things not bad things. I enjoy Mr. Lodge. I love going to music because my music teacher is nice. He let us play games and let us talk out of turn as long as he said so. Mr. Lodge let us sing songs and play games with songs in them, but we still have to sing along with the games. He let us play with his drums, and his rattle eggs. I love Coach Walters she is friendly to all of the students. She never yells unless she has to because we are far away. Coach Walters let us get free time if we can get done what we have to do, and if we are quiet. She let us have fun. She let us play games and helps us learn new fun things. Coach Walters helps us get energized. She let us jump, dance, jog, run, skip, and play. School is a great place to be and to learn.

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