Grand Inspectors General (ELECT) Kenneth L. Smith of Dillon will receive his Thirty-Third and Last Degree of Masonry from the United Supreme Council at the 125th United Supreme Council, 33rd of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, United States of America, during their annual session which will be held in Atlanta, Georgia 8 Oct.-11 Oct. 2011, at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta Hotel.
GIG (ELECT) Smith was born in Dillon, SC to the late Wade H. and Margaret G. Smith. Both were members of Prince Hall Masonic Fraternities in Dillon, SC. He was educated in the public school system and graduated from Dillon High School in 1974.
During his many travels of the military, he inquired about Masonic adventures in 1988 while at Fort Jackson, SC. He was raised to a Master Mason in a Civilian Lodge, Morelight Lodge #468, in Columbia, SC in 1989. He traveled and studied in various bodies of Prince Hall Masonry. They include: Morelight Lodge #468 until his demitted into Pernell Cooper Lodge #177, District 11, Oklahoma Jurisdiction, Kuwait, where he served as the secretary from 2007 through 2009 and is still a current member.
He was exalted to the degree of Holy Royal Arch Mason in Rosebough Chapter #71, in Columbia, SC, in 1990.
He was made an Eastern Star in 2001 with Desert Light Chapter #171, Camp Doha, Kuwait, where he served as the Worthy Patron for 2008 and 2009 and is still a current member. GIG (ELECT) Smith was constituted as a Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret in Clifford Parks Consistory #375, in 1999, in Kuwait.
He served as a faithful member of that Consistory with duties as the 2nd Lieutenant Commander, The Thrice Potent Master and The Commander-In-Chief in 2009. He was Created a Noble of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Noble Mystic Shrine, (A.E.A.O.N.M.S.) into Taharka Temple #207, Oasis of Kuwait, Desert of Western Europe, in 2007, where he served as The Recorder from 2007 through 2009.
He was elected as The Illustrious Potentate in 2010 and still serves in that capacity for this year.
At their 2011 Gala Day Convocations in Germany, he was selected as The Illustrious Potentate of the Year for 2010 for the Desert of Western Europe that consists of twelve Temples throughout Germany (5), The Middle East (5), England and Italy.
He is married to Annie J. Smith, who is The District Deputy Most Ancient Grand Matron, District 11, Oklahoma Jurisdiction. They have two daughters and a son.